Kiernan Trebach has been recognized by Law360 as #368 out of the largest 400 US law firms as measured by domestic attorney headcount.
Law 360’s article “The Law360 400: Tracking The Largest US Law Firms” includes the comprehensive list of US based law firms and international firms with a US component. To see the full article with the comprehensive list of law firms, please click on the link above or use this pdf: 2024_Law360_Tracking the 400 Largest Law Firms
Methodology: Law360 gathered data from U.S. law firms and vereins or similar structures with a U.S. component, collecting domestic attorney and partner headcount information as of Dec. 31, 2023. Firms based outside the U.S. are not included, and only attorneys based in the 50 states and the District of Columbia were included in the responses. Firms that have shareholders, members or principals in lieu of partners have those numbers listed in the “partner” column.
Firms are ranked by their total number of U.S. attorneys. For firms with identical total U.S. headcounts, Law360 breaks ties by reviewing the percent change in attorney headcount from the previous year or years, if necessary. For the firms where that data is unavailable, Law360 assumes the percent change is zero for the purposes of breaking those ties only.
Way to go Kiernan Trebach team!